Sunday, November 05, 2006

creativity and simplicity

Simplicity leads to creativity. Such a simple statement, yet so important. Today I experienced this first hand. I needed to create a display for our donation to my daughter's preschool auction, and did not want to purchase anything to do so. Instead, I used the rest of a cardboard box we cut up for Halloween dragon wings, covered it with aluminum foil, and printed a certificate on my computer with regular paper. It looks great! and It cost nothing!

I woke up early this morning to work; it was hard getting up, but I am glad I did. I got some work accomplished, and was not fretting about it over breakfast with my family.

Today I had one of my more focused days at work. I pretty much worked the whole time--no procrastinating or mindless web surfing. For the past two days, I have really worked hard to use the time I am given wisely so that I don't lose out on time with my family. I like how I feel and what gets crossed off my list, so I hope this can become a pattern.

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